Thursday, May 19, 2011

What the Heck Mother Nature?!?!

I have worked so hard to get flowers to bloom in the backyard, to get our flowers planted in the pots early in the year so we can enjoy them, and then MOTHER NATURE steps in and decides to dump rain and hail and wind for over an hour at my house and completely destroy all of my flowers and trees!  I used to have pretty blooms and now I have green sticks sticking up from the ground with no color!

We are hoping that once we dead head them they will grow back - let's put it this way - they BETTER grow back!

Here are some photos of the damage and the hail left in the grass.  I appreciate the rain water (helps to keep our water bill down and it makes everything beautifully green!) but mother nature can keep the hail and wind!

If you look back a few posts, you can see what the flowers USED to look like!  Here's to hoping that they grow back!

1 comment:

  1. Um yeah... try bussing around Denver in this stuff. It'll grow back. Either that, or you'll start a toothpick-growing farm!
