Sunday, January 27, 2013

Little R&R

B and I have been living with my parents a little over 5 months.  It's been going great, but with the stress of the house build, the fact that we haven't been out of town up to Breck in awhile, and with the upcoming long MLK weekend, we decided to take advantage of the mountain house.  We invited some good friends up with us that have girls the same age as our kids.

We had such a great time with them, and were so happy that they came up to spend their long weekend with us too!

Some fun shots on the I-Phone on the way can we we have had ZERO snow - great for our construction, BAD for the skiers/snowboarders and drought conditions!

This was the first time H and Brynn had ever had a sleep over, so Tiffany and I thought it perfect that they get their own bedroom!  So, we put them up in the twin room, and they LOVED it!  They got to making their beds by themselves, and only asked for help to get the comforters back on the bed, they would take every game we had into their room to play it, and they even made signs that say that it is a kid only room!  So adorable!  You bet I saved the papers off the door and will be putting it in their scrapbook!

Carter was more interested in going outside to sled, so as soon as the girls were done in their room, we suited up all four kids and trekked outside.  There wasn't much snow up at the house, unfortunately, so we had to walk a bit before we found a decent enough "hill" to sled down.

LOVE this shot of the kids!

 What a nice little boy helping Hayden up the hill!

We went up the road to where they are building another house and looked around.  They have a great view of the reservoir (you can kind of see it through the trees above C's head!) so we sat the kids down - it was pretty darn chilly by this point, but we got great shots of the kids!

I love this picture of the kids, they were on such an incline that in a short amount of time they were all falling over!

It was so chilly after we got back, we made the kids hot chocolate and settled in for the night.
Love that Evalyn is looking up at B - he's so good with babies!

The kids love to feed the birds and squirrels peanuts, so they throw them on the deck and wait for the animals to come....kept them entertained for at least 15 minutes!

On Sunday, we headed down into Breck and went to our favorite pottery store, Ready Paint Fire.  I highly recommend it if you are ever in Breck.  The 3 year old kids lasted about 45 minutes, and the older girls could have gone longer had it not been lunch time!  The owner is a fantastic woman (you can see her in the photo below) she has such a great personality and loves when the kids come in!

B and I decided to stay into Monday while the Sorice's headed home, it was a nice long weekend and truly needed!  Here's to hoping the Sorice's will come back up, maybe next time in the summer!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Stuart Construction - Week 9

Week 9 - January 14-20, 2013

Again, we are impressed with our framers and the work that they have completed this week!  They have completed the entire first floor this week finishing the exterior and all interior walls.  There was only one wall that I needed to have them move - a small wall in the master bathroom.  We found once we actually saw the walls up that there wouldn't be enough room to fit my freestanding tub (eventually!).  Thankfully the framers like me, didn't grumble too much, and it took about an hour to move the wall the 6 inches we needed!  It is so awesome to see everything coming together and be able to walk into the rooms and see how big or small everything is!

We are still hoping to be on track to our original timeline, and we should find out once they are done with framing where we are at.

I have tried to label the pictures so people can see what is what, as best as you can with there just being 2x4's every where!  If you can't read the font, click on the picture, and it will make it larger!

Can't wait to see the progress next week and we are hoping that they can wrap up the framing and move to the next phase of this project!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Visit from the T.F.

How can it be that H is old enough to lose her first tooth?!  I am just coming to terms that she is in Kindergarten, and halfway through kindergarten at that, but for her to be old enough to have lost her first tooth?!  Ahhh, she is growing up too quickly!

Her tooth has been wiggling for a few months now, and we have told her to keep wiggling it so it gets more and more lose, so when she came to us on Wednesday, the 9th to have her Daddy try and wiggle it, I figured it was the same old, just wiggle it and then off to bed.  Little did I know that when B tugged on it that night, we were going to be pulling it out!  B tugged on it a little hard, and H said that she didn't want him to pull it anymore, so we started reading books.  H then sat up in bed and opened her mouth to me.  When I looked at her, there was blood all over her teeth.  I smacked B and he went to get some paper towels.  After we cleaned her up, I wiggled the tooth and found that it was barely hanging on!  So, B got the floss again, and tugged the tooth one more time and it went flying out of her mouth!

She was sooooo giddy that her tooth came out.  We put the tooth in the tooth pillow that Grammy made for her and put her to bed.  In the morning, H woke up to find that the tooth fairy had taken her tooth and left her a dollar!

I look at H with her missing tooth and she is just adorable with her missing tooth, but it makes me sad to know that she is getting so big so fast and I'm just not ready for this phase!

Enjoy our toothless girl!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Stuart Construction - Week 8

Week 8 - January 7-13, 2013

OMG....OMG......OMG, finally there is upwards visual progress this week!  I for one am so beyond happy with this week's progress.  I know B is happy with the progress because I am happy with the progress, but seriously, I am so excited!  They began framing our house this week!  Our framers are a fantastic crew and we are so happy with their progress so far.  As you can see by the pictures, they started the week by putting in the steel I-beams and then framing the floor.  By the end of the week, they had the garage framed out and sheathed  the north side of the house framed and sheathed  the west side framed, and the interior walls marked out on the floor.  So many pictures, but such GREAT progress!!!

 Weekly Progress Shot

South Side of Lot
Center of Lot
North Side of Lot