Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Stuart Construction - Week 23 - The Final Week

Week 23 - April 22-28, 2013

YEA!!!  We got this at 2:03pm on Thursday, April 25, 2013.  The house is ours!!!

I was the first one to get sent the email that showed our CO.  I opened the email and literally cried.  I called Chad, the guy filling in for our site super and cried on the phone to him, and told him how appreciative I was of him and his hard work this week.  We ran into some issues with trying to get our CO and that's why it was delayed.  We needed to jack hammer out the front sidewalk (yes, the one that they poured wrong at the beginning of April!) because the slope wan't at the right pitch (thank you Broomfield County Building Department).  We also had some windows in the dining room that were supposed to be tempered glass and they weren't.  Thankfully Chad worked his magic with the inspector and convinced him to give us the CO and put up caution tape over the windows until they were replaced with the correct glass.   But we got it, finally, we were given the green light to move in!  The house was cleaned, vacuumed, it was ready to become our home.  

One day while scouring the internet to find ideas for paint colors, and home decorating ideas, I came across a link to a bunch of pictures about a master bathroom. I LOVED the look of the bathroom and wanted to find out more details about the products in the bathroom; enter the blog Lot 23.  Turns out, Amy, the blog creator was in the process of building her own house.  Now, I should say, I feel a little blog stalkerish in that I would look up her blog all the time, then I started following her blog, but I have to say, I LOVE her design, I LOVE her taste.  She was building a beautiful house and the details she was putting in her house, I was wanting in mine!  Amy's house build was about a month ahead of mine, so it was nice to see what she was going through and what I was about to go through!  Anyway, back to why I brought up Lot 23.  Before she moved into her house, Amy walked around and took shots of her house clean and empty.  Although I took a ridiculous amount of pictures of the building process, I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me before seeing Amy's blog to take pictures of the house empty and done.  So I did that this week.  The day after we got our CO, I kicked everyone out of the house, I cleaned up and vacuumed one more time, then I took pictures of our house, done and ready to be ours.  Here are those pictures!

 Carter's Room

Haylee's Room

 Kid's Bathroom


Hallway Out of Playroom

Hallway to Carter's Room

Going down the stairs

Going up the stairs!

 Master Bedroom

 Master Bathroom

 Family Room

 Looking at Kitchen

 Front Entry Way


 Front Entryway looking from front door into family room

I clearly didn't do a fantastic job taking pictures of the empty house, since I am missing the dining room, close ups of the kitchen, the laundry room, the powder room, and the hall leading down to those rooms!  Oops!  They do exist, just didn't get before shots!  My bad!!! 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stuart Construction - Week 22

Week 22 - April 15-21, 2013

This should have been the week we got our CO, but it wasn't.  This should have been the week that we moved it, but it wasn't.  What did happen this week?  More finishing work.  We got the rest of the appliances installed in the house.  This is the first time that B and I have EVER had all brand new appliances.  I know that sounds crazy and not that big of a deal, but to us, for us to get brand new, never been used appliances in our budget was a big accomplishment!  It was more finishing work this week as well.

Not gonna lie, this past week was the most stressed out and upset that I have been about this whole process!  I was so frustrated with the process, being so close yet so far away.  B and I had arranged to get time off work to move into the house, we had told the storage unit place that we were going to be out, we had reserved a moving van, all to be told that we weren't getting the CO and there was no way we could move in this week.  I was desperate to get into the new house, desperate to get back to our routine, desperate to have my own space (not that living with my parents for 9 months was bad, it's just; I'm an adult, married with two kids, I want my own space!)  Chad, who was standing in for our site super this whole week, poor guy, he got the brunt of my frustration and anger.  Don't worry, I did talk to him and apologized for my break downs.  He was great and worked really hard for us, making sure that the house was perfect.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Stuart Construction - Week 21

Week 21 - April 8-14, 2013

A lot of the finishing touches going into the house this week.  The lighting went up, the counter tops were going in in the bathrooms and kitchen.  Things began to take shape this week!  According to the original timeline, we are supposed to be getting our CO at the beginning of next week and moving in at the end of the week.  There is still so much to do, that I don't see that happening, but here's to hoping.

 The hardwood floor was stained this week, it looks AMAZING.  Perfect color to compliment the wall and trim color.  It looks so beautiful and warm!  It hasn't been cleaned in these shots, but you get the idea!

Similar to putting the kids hand prints behind the drywall like we did here, I wanted to do something that we would see again.  So, before the guys put the carpet down in the kids bedrooms we had the kids lay on the floor and we traced them.  After we were done, I realized how creepy that actually looks; drawing our kids bodies on the floor!  HA, oh well, it will be fun to see when we get the carpet replaced years down the road!  The kids had fun laying on the floor and getting outlined.

They also started putting in the toilets, putting up the bars for the closets, again, the little stuff to make this place one more step closer to being done!