Monday, May 16, 2011

Old School

B and I were grocery shopping this past weekend when we came across a Colorado Rockies display in the grocery store.  In the display there were tons of Rockies gear, baseball related things, and you got to the middle of the display, we saw:

Big League Chew!  Does anyone else remember Big League Chew?!  B and I immediately started laughing with each other and remembering how when we were younger we would feel like total bad-asses when we would chew Big League Chew!   It doesn't taste as good as it did when we were kids, but we couldn't pass up buying it!

So, the question we pose to you: what do you remember from your youth (however young you want to go!) that you loved at the time and it has totally faded from your memories?!  Banana clips?  Snap bracelets?  Pogs?  Think, and then post your favorite!

1 comment:

  1. All that you listed--snap bracelets and pogs especially--came to mind first. But, do you remember those ginormous jawbreakers? The white ones with colored speckles that would take forever to lick through/suck on to get small enough to fit into your mouth? Or what about the toothpicks dipped in cinnamon oil that kids would suck/chew on? I remember paying for those on the playground as if it were drugs. Scrunchies? Scrunch socks? What about decorative patches for your backpack? Giga-pets?
