Saturday, August 17, 2013

Last Day of School

After reading a ton of blogs, perusing Pinterest, and wanting to capture memories for myself and my kids, I have decided that I want to make sure that I get good pictures of the kids on their first and last days of school.

I want to find something at this house that I can use as my first and last day of school marker.  Considering we have been in the new house for all of 3 weeks and the end of school is upon us, the wall in our front porch became the only pretty place to take the kids last day of school picture.  So, I think this spot in the front porch and a spot out in front of or near a tree will be the places I get these memorable shots.

I can't believe that H is at the end of her first year in grade school.  Where did the time go?  How is it that she is old enough to be done with Kindergarten and making her way into 1st grade?!  She really flourished in school.  She has such an excitement to learn and grow, it amazes me. Her teacher said that she did an amazing job this year and truly grew as a little girl.  I love to see her come home and tell me about all the new exercises she learned to help her read.  It's a true joy to see the wheels turning in her head as she grows more confident in herself.

C has grown up significantly faster than his sister did.  He is almost 4.  He is only going to be at LL for two years instead of the 3 like his sister and I just don't think that I am ready to accept that my baby boy, my little man, my last child is one step closer to being in grade school.  The teachers at LL love him, and although they say they aren't supposed to have a favorite, C is every one's favorite.  He is such a charmer and such a well mannered little boy.  Not to mention when he smiles, that dimple shows and his blue eyes shine, how can you not be smitten with that?!

So, the first year of grade school and preschool have come to a close.  This last year was stock full of change for my little family.  There were quite a few bumps along this road, but I am so thankful for each and every one of them.

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