Thursday, November 24, 2011


from our family to yours!  Hope your day is filled with good food, laughter, love and great memories!  

As a side note, but totally related to Thanksgiving, Byron and I made Turkey Cake Pops last night to take to my parents house this afternoon.  I would not have been able to do these without the help of my wonderful husband (who secretly, I think LOVES doing crafty things like this, but he would never admit it!)  Here's a look at the cake pops!  Can't wait to eat them this afternoon!  Yummy!

Gobble Gobble

Here are the best 8 we had, led by "Scarface"
Scarface had a little accident on his cheek, and his eyes were put on crooked,
so we decided to have a little fun with him and made his eyes red and named him Scarface.

What a rafter of Turkeys!  Yummy!

Enjoy your day!  Gobble Gobble!

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