Monday, January 16, 2012

Where Have We Been?!

First and foremost - Welcome 2012!  We hope that everyone had an amazing wonderful holiday with their families.  We enjoyed the last few months of holiday time, but are so happy that things can return to normal!

Similar to the Halloween post, I'm just going to give a quick run down of what we have been up to since Thanksgiving - and do mostly pictures!

Here we go ~

First Snow

We had the first snow at the beginning of December.  I LOVE seeing the kids all dressed up in their snow suits - they walk like little penguins!

Kim's Baby Shower

I threw my good friend Kimberly a baby shower at our house on December 3rd.  We all had a charm and then some sort of advice or well wishes that we assembled onto a bracelet for Kim.  The intention of the charm bracelet is to be something that Kim can focus on and gather strength from while in the delivery room, as well as life with "little e".  It was such a great turnout for her, and it was so special to see how many important women are in her life to help support her as she begins the hardest, most rewarding role in her life....congrats to Kimberly and Raleigh!

The Train Museum/Seeing Santa

My friend Amy turned me onto Groupon, which is a site that gives discounts on EVERYTHING in your area.  I came across a Groupon for the Train Museum in Golden, and it just so happened to coincide with Santa's visit!  Carter LOVES trains, and it was a cheap outing....there was even a real train that we got to ride one - heaven for a two year old boy!

Haylee's Christmas Program

I love Haylee's preschool.  They do such a tremendous job teaching the kids their ABC's and 123's, but also about God and how to be nice people to each other.  Her school is rapidly expanding with students, but they have such a small school house, so when it comes to the programs, etc at the school, space both inside the school and in the parking lot is limited!  This year, they moved the Christmas program to a local church - GREAT IDEA!  There was plenty of room this year for everyone!   The night before the program, a car hit the light pole just across the street from the church and knocked out the power to the entire block!  A preschool Christmas program by candle and garage lights run from the firetruck generators, yes please!  The program went off great despite the lack of power!

 *I tried downloading one of the videos of her singing (the one where she got to play Mary and hold baby Jesus!) but the file is too big!  

Christmas 2011

House For Sale

Part of the reason why I am sooo far behind on blogging, and what has taken up most of our time is cleaning our house and getting it listed for sale!  I cannot tell you how many hours we have spent SCRUBBING our house.  My parents were nice to take the kids for us on New Years Eve - what did we do?!  Cleaned our house, washed and conditioned every piece of wood in our house, dusted and wiped down every shelf.  Our house will never be this clean again!  We officially put our house on the market on January 6th.  Because of safety and security, we aren't going to show any pictures of our house on the blog, so if you want to see our listing, send me an email, and I would be happy to send you the link!  That has taken a significant amount of time and effort to finish up all the little projects and get the house ready.  We are hopeful that someone comes along and likes our house as much as we do, but are totally ok if that doesn't happen.  We love our house, just need a bit more room in the garage for Byron and Carter to build cars.  If it happens, we are more than happy to find a house that meets that need, and if not, we will cross that bridge when we get to the point of needing more garage room.  

Byron's PRK

Also on January 6th, Byron got PRK (another version of LASIK) done.  PRK is different than LASIK in that the actual cornea of his eye is cut off and then has to regrow itself.  Byron's eyes are pretty bad, and his pupils were bordering on being too large to do the LASIK procedure, so he went ahead with PRK.  He is now 10 days out from surgery and is doing pretty well.  His right eye's vision is coming back faster than his left, but he is able to see fairly well in both.  He will have to go back in a few months and have his left eye worked on again, but now that we know what the recovery is like, I think it will be so much better!

That's about all that we have been up to!  We have been really busy these last few months, and are excited to get back into a grove.  Here's to hoping that 2012 is just as prosperous as 2011 was!  Thanks for following the blog even though I have been terrible in keeping up.  I promise to make sure that I keep up with it better this year!

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