Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Let it Snow!!!!
As natives of Colorado say, "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change" This couldn't have been more true the last couple days in October. The weather reports said to plan on lots of snow for the metro area - up to 24 inches in some areas. Being skeptical that almost two feet would fall, we carried on with our days. Well, as the day progressed, Wednesday October 28th, more and more snow fell. Working for Adams County I knew that there is no way I would ever get a snow day, but one could hope. The day progressed, more and more snow fell. We got word that the office would close early to let everyone get home safely....I was so excited. I hoped for a snow day the next day, Thursday, October 29th, but in checking the office line, we only got to start late. I figured that since we left early the day before, and were getting a late start the second day, being released early again was not going to did. On Thursday afternoon, the snow finally began to slow down, so I got home with the kids early, and we decided to take Haylee out to play. Enjoy the pictures of the family playing in the snow!
Happy Birthday Haylee
Haylee turned three on Tuesday, November 3rd. She was so excited to have a birthday party with all of her friends! The past two years Haylee has had some pretty exciting birthdays. With an "Under the Sea" theme and Octopus cake, to Bubbles and Balloons with a bouquet of balloons cake. This year, I was not on my game and not that organized to have a theme. Haylee is getting big enough and likes to express her opinion, so we decided to let Haylee pick what colors she wanted to use to decorate her cake. Yellow and Purple it was. So, Byron and I baked a three layer cake that when you cut into it, it looked like a checkerboard, and decorated it with yellow frosting and purple accents. I think it turned out pretty well!
Happy Halloween
This is Haylee's third Halloween. By now, she is a seasoned veteran on costume shopping, pumpkin hunting and trick or treating. This is Carter's first Halloween. Haylee was almost a year old for her first Halloween, so it was fun having a newborn to dress up! Haylee was completely comfortable trick or treating - she would go up to the door, say trick or treat and hold up her bucket for people to drop candy in. It was so funny. There was one person who let her pick the candy she wanted out of the candy bowl, so every time after that, Haylee would get incredibly close to the bowl and try to grab the candy out, even though the people were putting it in her bucket for was funny. Carter did go with us, although he slept the entire time. Enjoy the pictures!
Pumpkin Hunting
There is a prett
y good sized pumpkin patch near our house, and we had really good luck finding pumpkins there last year, we decided to try there again this year. We had a pretty early freeze down in Denver a couple of weeks prior to Hallowee
n, and we were late in getting to the pumpkin patch (we went four days before Halloween) so when we made it to the pumpkin patch, we were disappointed in the amount of pumpkins that they had left for sale. When we started looking for pumpkins, we noticed a LOT of them had already begun to rot (our guess was from the freeze) Haylee seemed more interested in playing on the playground than looking for pumpkins, so we
decided not to get pumpkins there, but to let Haylee play on the playground and in the corn box. Carter did not like the pumpkin patch all that much. It could be because it was almost time to eat, we woke him up, or it was pretty windy and chilly...either way, he wasn't a happy camper.

A picture of the two kids - gotta love the "looking into the sun" pictures!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
God Bless the Swing
Carter is my little man. I love holding him and watching him grow and learn. Let me say a part of that again, I LOVE holding him. This has become a problem. Because I love holding my son (as I loved holding Haylee too, and it was a problem with her) he will not sleep without being held. Carter will fall asleep on you, but the second that you try to put him down - the eyes open, the grunting begins, the arms begin to fight the swaddle, and eventually, the red face and crying come about. Needless to say, there have been many days where I have spent sitting on the couch holding and watching him. I am not complaining about sitting on the couch all day holding my son (although I am sure there were/are days Byron comes home from a hard day at work and looks at the house and thinks, "what did you do all day?") but there are some days where I do want to get things done around the house, and I can't because the second I put him down, he cries. So you say, why don't you put him in the vibrating chair or something like that? Carter will stay asleep if you put him in the vibrating chair that we have, only problem there - it turns off after 15 minutes. If baby falls asleep with vibration and then it stops, what happens - yep, the eyes open, the grunting begins, the arms begin to fight the swaddle and eventually, the red face and crying come about. Byron and I have tried the swing before, but Carter had no interest in it.
So, this brings me to the last couple of days. I am throwing my dear friend Erin a baby shower this weekend (her baby boy is due in December) and I need to finish up the baby word scramble, put the safety pins on ribbon for the ladies to wear around their necks, oh, and clean the house. In addition to the shower, I return to work on Monday and I am starting to feel like I need to get the house cleaned and organized before I go back. Well, I can't do all of that sitting on the couch holding my beautiful son. I decided that I was going to give the swing another shot - forget you vibrating chair, you do nothing for me when you turn off, except tick my sleeping baby off. So, I pulled out the swing, and put Carter in it, turned it on and held my breath that he would continue to sleep. It actually worked. He slept, with a few grunts every once in awhile, but he slept....I got to shower, I got to make my bed, Haylee's bed, clean her room, put her laundry away, put my laundry away, Carter's laundry, load the dishwasher (you get the point), I was able to to SOMETHING!
I know that we will have our issues when it comes to breaking him of needing the swing to sleep, which I can handle - he goes to bed at night without any issues, thankfully, so it is merely needing to break him of sleeping in the swing on weekends. I am pretty sure that I will have no problem holding him all weekend long once I go back to work....all I have to say is, thank you Link-A-Doos Open Top Take Along Swing for giving me the opportunity to take a shower when I wake in the morning, instead of at night when my husband gets home. You are the best!
So, this brings me to the last couple of days. I am throwing my dear friend Erin a baby shower this weekend (her baby boy is due in December) and I need to finish up the baby word scramble, put the safety pins on ribbon for the ladies to wear around their necks, oh, and clean the house. In addition to the shower, I return to work on Monday and I am starting to feel like I need to get the house cleaned and organized before I go back. Well, I can't do all of that sitting on the couch holding my beautiful son. I decided that I was going to give the swing another shot - forget you vibrating chair, you do nothing for me when you turn off, except tick my sleeping baby off. So, I pulled out the swing, and put Carter in it, turned it on and held my breath that he would continue to sleep. It actually worked. He slept, with a few grunts every once in awhile, but he slept....I got to shower, I got to make my bed, Haylee's bed, clean her room, put her laundry away, put my laundry away, Carter's laundry, load the dishwasher (you get the point), I was able to to SOMETHING!
I know that we will have our issues when it comes to breaking him of needing the swing to sleep, which I can handle - he goes to bed at night without any issues, thankfully, so it is merely needing to break him of sleeping in the swing on weekends. I am pretty sure that I will have no problem holding him all weekend long once I go back to work....all I have to say is, thank you Link-A-Doos Open Top Take Along Swing for giving me the opportunity to take a shower when I wake in the morning, instead of at night when my husband gets home. You are the best!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Two Months Old
Wow - time flies even faster with your second baby! Carter turned two months old
on Tuesday! I can't believe that my little man is two months old already! He is cooing more now, has the biggest gummy smile with a dimple on his right cheek, and HATES tummy time.
Carter is still a little piggy, eating every three hours. The other night, he went to sleep at 9pm and didn't wake up until 3am. I was in HEAVEN! I thought, "maybe this kid will be like the ones I hear about, sleeping through the night at 6 or 7 weeks. Maybe I will get lucky with this one" - Nope, the next night he was up eve
ry 2 1/2 hours eating....
Carter is a different baby than his sister was. He is mellow. He only cries when he is hungry, and eats a lot more than his sister ever did. Haylee would only snack and we worried that she wasn't getting enough to eat. I took Carter to see how much milk he was getting and they told me he was getting almost 6 ounces every feeding. Thankfully I have managed to get a stockpile of milk in the freezer for when I go back to work, and I seem to be able to keep up with him - for now. He is already too big for the 0-3 month onesies, but still fits in the 3 month clothes we have for him - but barely. With Haylee, she was always about 3-6 months behind in clothes, it has be
en a change for us to have a kid grow so fast!
He is like his sister in that he fights nap time. He will not give in to sleep! Oh how they will learn when they are older that nap time is a wonderful thing! He is also like her in that he hates doing tummy time. I will put him on his tummy and he will last all of 2 minutes before he starts smashing his face into the ground and fussing.
He is such a good little baby, and Haylee just adores him. I am so lucky to have such good kids. Remind me I said this when they are teenagers! That is all for now....
Friday, September 25, 2009
What a beautiful bride....
So, as mentioned in the previous posting, my cousin got engaged at the end of 2008 and got married over Lab
or Day 2009. My cousin Cori is such an amazing woman. Cori and I are only a couple of years apart in age, and when going back to Chicago to visit, we would never miss a beat and pick up our friendship where we left off. We would often get in trouble for giggling at each other across the dinner table - what the "adults" never got, is that we were giggling for no reason! We were giggling because it was so quiet! We would get scolded for talking and, once again, giggling after the lights were shut out and we were supposed to be sleeping. When we went out to visit, we would always sleep in the living room in sleeping bags, by the grandfather clock....just a short hallway away from all of our parents and grandparents. We would play school, dress up, and run around the house with wigs on, I have so many fond memories that include Cori. She is such a wonderful person; very funny, smart, and is amazingly beautiful inside and out. I am glad that my sister and my daughter have her to look up to as another strong willed, independent woman. So, when Cori called me shortly after announcing her engagement to ask me if Haylee could serve as the flower girl in her wedding, I was honored.
I tried to prep Haylee in the weeks leading up to the wedding on what a flower girls does, and that she was going to be wearing a pretty dress. Haylee was very excited and wanted to wear her pretty dress everyday.
Cori and Brandon did an amazing job planning their wedding. It was so beautiful. It was at a local country club, with the ceremony outside under some trees. The weather was perfect, slightly overcast (and not humid for how it should have been for Illinois in September!) Cori and her bridesmaids got dressed at my aunt's house, and it brought back memories of my wedding. It was so great to see Cori getting ready to marry her best friend. Brandon is such an awesome guy, and I am so happy that she found someone to share her life with. The photographer came over to the house and started taking pictures there, here are some that we snapped ourselves.
Once we made it to the country club, I left Haylee with her cousin and my sister and went to take my seat. To be honest, I was a little sad leaving her there and having to go take my seat, but I had confidence in my big girl that she would walk down the aisle with the ring bearer, and do her thing.
I couldn't see her walking the whole way, but I was told that she had tripped on the front of her dress and tripped, spilling all of her flowers out of the basket. So, the ring bearer (and his mom who was helping both of them walk to the ceremony) stopped to pick the flowers up. I sat on the inside of the aisle, so when she made it to the end, she could see a familiar face. She didn't even notice me until she got two rows from me. She held onto the rind bearers hand, and pulled him along. Both of the kids did great. and the ring bearer took off running once he made it to the front and Haylee let go of him!
The reception was great, great food, music and lots of drinking to be had by al
l! My aunt was very thoughtful and arranged for there to be a couple of babysitters there for us to use if we wanted. So, we packed Haylee's toys and pj's and sent her to play for the night. She played so hard that day and well into the night. The music was too loud where we had originally thought to have her play, so the baby sitters took Haylee down to the women's locker room where there was a couch...a couple minutes after taking her down there, she was out.
Thank you to Cori and Brandon for letting us share in their day. You two are such a wonderful couple, and we can't thank you enough. Cori, you were a beautiful bride, and Brandon, welcome to the family....
Chicago Bound....
I love going back to Chicago. There is something about going back to where your mother grew up, seeing her home, and remembering all of the fond, fun memories that I created there with my siblings and cousin. My grandparents have a house in Glen Ellen and a farm out in Dixon. I would go for runs down at the high school that my mother attended in Glen Ellyn, my brother's sister, cousin and I built a "fort, or house (depending on your gender!)" out of the dishwasher box at grandma and grandpa's house. That box was still there up until a couple of years ago. I learned to parallel park at the farm on a riding lawn mower (sorry to grandpa for ruining the grass next to the crib, but I can parallel park in any spot now!) So, when Cori, my beautiful cousin on my mom's side, got engaged at the end of 2008 and called in February to tell us the wedding was going to be over Labor Day weekend, 2009, I couldn't have been more thrilled for her. I will talk more about her and the wedding in another blog.....
So, me being pregnant, and due in the middle of August, I knew that I was going to be flying out there with Haylee and a two week old little one. I must admit, I was DREADING flying with the baby. I had visions of the baby screaming and being inconsolable on the plane and everyone looking at me with "the look" you all know it - the "dear god, please say my seat isn't next to that woman with a newborn and three year old". My children are the best. Carter didn't make a sound and slept the entire flight, both ways, and Haylee did amazing playing with my mom and watching cartoons on the tv.
So, me being pregnant, and due in the middle of August, I knew that I was going to be flying out there with Haylee and a two week old little one. I must admit, I was DREADING flying with the baby. I had visions of the baby screaming and being inconsolable on the plane and everyone looking at me with "the look" you all know it - the "dear god, please say my seat isn't next to that woman with a newborn and three year old". My children are the best. Carter didn't make a sound and slept the entire flight, both ways, and Haylee did amazing playing with my mom and watching cartoons on the tv.
I was also very excited to go back. I had gone back to Chicago in April and in November, so it wasn't like I hadn't been back in a long time, but I was excited to take Haylee back to see her great grandparents, her great aunt and uncles (although to me they don't seem old enough to be called "great" so they are just aunt and uncle) She is at the age where she remembers them and what they did the last time she was out.
So, my mom, Haylee, Carter and myself headed out a week before the wedding so we could help with the last minute things that needed to be done for the wedding and so the family out there could take care of my children while I slept. Here are pictures from the trip, it was such a good week and not only myself, but my children are so blessed to have such a loving extended family.
Great Grandpa and Great Grandma holding their new great grandson

Great Grandma reading to the kids....Haylee got Green Eggs and Ham as a present from Great Grandma. I think we read it about 100 times before we left!

Cori hanging with Carter and Haylee....
Grandma and Grandpa with all of their grandchildren and great grandchildren

Everyone just hanging out, enjoying each others company
We had such a great time in is so nice getting to catch up with family...we are so blessed to have a great family that will do anything and everything for each other. Everyone has a great time when we get together. We are already planning the next party! Can't wait for Wisconsin!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fourth Generation....
Byron and I were not so lucky in our lives to know our great grandparents. Thankfully for the health of our grandparents, our children have gotten a chance to meet and get to know their great grandparents, and more importantly, our grandparents getting to know the next generation.

Even more special is that there are now four generations of Pletcher men and four generations of the Hellman women. We are so lucky to live close to Great Grandpa John, and have been really fortunate to be able to travel back to Chicago to visit Great Grandma Hellman.
Enjoy the pictures of the next generation. Hopefully Byron and I can make our grandparents proud in how we raise our kids.
My grandmother, Jane Ann Hellman, my mother Elizabeth, myself and Haylee. This picture was taken in November when we were out for Thanksgiving and my grandparents wedding anniversary.
This is Byron's Grandfather, John Pletcher, his dad, Robert, Byron and Carter. Carter is the first male Pletcher born in 29 years. Byron was the last male Pletcher to have been born. Dad and Grandpa John are so thrilled to have another boy to pass on the name. They have already been in talks about breaking out the midget for Carter to drive once he is able to reach the pedals!
This is Byron and I with Haylee on Mother's Day 2007. Haylee is sitting on her Great Grandma Heist's lap. Great Grandma Heist has since past away, but she loved feeling Haylee's small feet and holding her.....unfortunately Haylee won't remember these meetings, I am thankful that we have the pictures to share with her and the stories of Grandma to pass along.
This is Byron and I with Haylee on Mother's Day 2007. Haylee is sitting on her Great Grandma Heist's lap. Great Grandma Heist has since past away, but she loved feeling Haylee's small feet and holding her.....unfortunately Haylee won't remember these meetings, I am thankful that we have the pictures to share with her and the stories of Grandma to pass along.
This is Haylee with "GG" - Great Grandma Denning. GG lives close and Haylee visits her often. It really is nice that Haylee and GG can get to know each other.
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