I love going back to Chicago. There is something about going back to where your mother grew up, seeing her home, and remembering all of the fond, fun memories that I created there with my siblings and cousin. My grandparents have a house in Glen Ellen and a farm out in Dixon. I would go for runs down at the high school that my mother attended in Glen Ellyn, my brother's sister, cousin and I built a "fort, or house (depending on your gender!)" out of the dishwasher box at grandma and grandpa's house. That box was still there up until a couple of years ago. I learned to parallel park at the farm on a riding lawn mower (sorry to grandpa for ruining the grass next to the crib, but I can parallel park in any spot now!) So, when Cori, my beautiful cousin on my mom's side, got engaged at the end of 2008 and called in February to tell us the wedding was going to be over Labor Day weekend, 2009, I couldn't have been more thrilled for her. I will talk more about her and the wedding in another blog.....
So, me being pregnant, and due in the middle of August, I knew that I was going to be flying out there with Haylee and a two week old little one. I must admit, I was DREADING flying with the baby. I had visions of the baby screaming and being inconsolable on the plane and everyone looking at me with "the look" you all know it - the "dear god, please say my seat isn't next to that woman with a newborn and three year old". My children are the best. Carter didn't make a sound and slept the entire flight, both ways, and Haylee did amazing playing with my mom and watching cartoons on the tv.
So, me being pregnant, and due in the middle of August, I knew that I was going to be flying out there with Haylee and a two week old little one. I must admit, I was DREADING flying with the baby. I had visions of the baby screaming and being inconsolable on the plane and everyone looking at me with "the look" you all know it - the "dear god, please say my seat isn't next to that woman with a newborn and three year old". My children are the best. Carter didn't make a sound and slept the entire flight, both ways, and Haylee did amazing playing with my mom and watching cartoons on the tv.
I was also very excited to go back. I had gone back to Chicago in April and in November, so it wasn't like I hadn't been back in a long time, but I was excited to take Haylee back to see her great grandparents, her great aunt and uncles (although to me they don't seem old enough to be called "great" so they are just aunt and uncle) She is at the age where she remembers them and what they did the last time she was out.
So, my mom, Haylee, Carter and myself headed out a week before the wedding so we could help with the last minute things that needed to be done for the wedding and so the family out there could take care of my children while I slept. Here are pictures from the trip, it was such a good week and not only myself, but my children are so blessed to have such a loving extended family.
Great Grandpa and Great Grandma holding their new great grandson

Great Grandma reading to the kids....Haylee got Green Eggs and Ham as a present from Great Grandma. I think we read it about 100 times before we left!

Cori hanging with Carter and Haylee....
Grandma and Grandpa with all of their grandchildren and great grandchildren

Everyone just hanging out, enjoying each others company
We had such a great time in Chicago....it is so nice getting to catch up with family...we are so blessed to have a great family that will do anything and everything for each other. Everyone has a great time when we get together. We are already planning the next party! Can't wait for Wisconsin!
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