Carter is still a little piggy, eating every three hours. The other night, he went to sleep at 9pm and didn't wake up until 3am. I was in HEAVEN! I thought, "maybe this kid will be like the ones I hear about, sleeping through the night at 6 or 7 weeks. Maybe I will get lucky with this one" - Nope, the next night he was up eve
ry 2 1/2 hours eating....
Carter is a different baby than his sister was. He is mellow. He only cries when he is hungry, and eats a lot more than his sister ever did. Haylee would only snack and we worried that she wasn't getting enough to eat. I took Carter to see how much milk he was getting and they told me he was getting almost 6 ounces every feeding. Thankfully I have managed to get a stockpile of milk in the freezer for when I go back to work, and I seem to be able to keep up with him - for now. He is already too big for the 0-3 month onesies, but still fits in the 3 month clothes we have for him - but barely. With Haylee, she was always about 3-6 months behind in clothes, it has be
en a change for us to have a kid grow so fast!
He is like his sister in that he fights nap time. He will not give in to sleep! Oh how they will learn when they are older that nap time is a wonderful thing! He is also like her in that he hates doing tummy time. I will put him on his tummy and he will last all of 2 minutes before he starts smashing his face into the ground and fussing.
He is such a good little baby, and Haylee just adores him. I am so lucky to have such good kids. Remind me I said this when they are teenagers! That is all for now....
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