Now I am REALLY over it! Yesterday my son refused to eat or drink anything and I mean ANYTHING. I tried the Popsicle, I tried the ice cream, I tried small amounts of fluid in a syringe, nothing worked. By 3pm he hadn't had a wet diaper and was miserable. So I called the Dr, and they said they should probably see him. The appt was at 5, and I couldn't stand to be in the house with both of them any longer, so I loaded them in the car and took off driving in hopes that it would put them to sleep - 40 minutes later I was pulling into the driveway with them both awake and annoyed that they had been in the car for so long. Carter seemed to have perked up, but was still coughing and refusing to drink. We went to the Dr and he checked out C's ears - they didn't look all that bad, his concern; C has phenomena in both lungs. I almost burst into tears. I was just at Children's 24 hours before and they said his lungs were clear! Thankfully, he is on the amoxicillan and that is what they would have given him for the phenomena anyway. We just need to be extra vigilant in watching his breathing, and to get as much liquid in him as possible.
So last night I was freaking out about not being able to hear him breathe...I slept with his baby monitor turned all the way up against my ear, needless to say I didn't get much sleep last night! Thankfully Byron was able to take today off with me so I don't have both kids alone again today....
I am so over cold and flu season!
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