So, we got H into see the orthodontist - that poor kid's life during her teenage years is going to be full of seeing the orthodontist (as most teenager's lives are) She has some messed up teeth already!
This was her at the orthodontist earlier this year, she is such a trooper!
H lost her two bottom teeth earlier this year, and then nothing, they grew back and no other teeth wanted to wiggle themselves out, which was totally fine by me. But then, towards the end of the summer, both of her two front top teeth decided to get wiggly.
At the beginning of October, one of the top teeth was ready to make it's way out, so B got the dental floss and began tugging away. He got it out without much trouble, and of course H was so excited for the TF to make a visit to her.
At our dentist appointment this fall (before the top tooth had fallen out) the dentist told us to make an appointment with the orthodontist to see how her bottom adult teeth were doing growing in. Unfortunately, the little teeth on the side were no match for how big the adult teeth were and her bite was already being thrown off. The answer to fixing that? pulling the two littles so the bigs have space to move where they needed to.
B said he was fine with pulling her teeth out at home, but watching the dentist pull them out, he just couldn't handle it, so H and I went to the dentist together to get her teeth pulled. They have her laughing gas, and she did fantastic on the gas. She was super funny to watch, and I now know that when my daughter is a teensy bit high, she is a giggler. She felt the hose to the spit sucker (yep, my technical term) and laughed at how "heavy Mr. Thirsty felt" laying across her belly.
This is H waiting to go into the dentist office.
Laughing gas anyone?
The afters. Poor kid has holes all over her mouth! Her whole mouth, lips and chin were so numb for the next few hours. She was a trooper though, she decided she wanted to go back to school after the feeling returned!
Just four weeks after losing her top tooth and two weeks after having her two bottom teeth pulled, H's other top tooth decided it was time to come out.
Needless to say, the TF had to take out a loan to pay for all the missing teeth in our house. Thankfully the loose and wiggily teeth have stopped for now, but there are a lot more coming our way!
Oh my, I am scared for when the time comes for me! I am woozy looking at the photos above! (Because of the holes or of H growing up so fast, hard to say!)