Monday, February 28, 2011

We Made It!!!

So, the Anthem Fight For Air Climb was yesterday and I am THRILLED to say that all 5 of us (Mom, Dad, Byron, Tara and I) made it to the top!  There was so much anxiety among us all about how terrible it was going to be climbing 56 flights of stairs, but so happy to say that it really wasn't that bad - really!

Our "climb time" was scheduled for 12:45, and we were told to be there an hour early.  We figured out where the start line was, then made our way to the bathroom for one last pit stop (cuz really, we were all thinking that we would be in the stairwell for at least 1/2 hour to 45 minutes!) We then found our way back to the start line hoping that they wouldn't kick us out for beginning before our scheduled time.  Here are a few pictures of us waiting in line before the race started:

Byron was the first in our group to start, and he literally took off running!  I went second and I attempted to take some pictures of the floors as I passed them....sorry for the blurriness of the's hard to take pictures as you're climbing stairs!

Here we are as we crossed the finish line! 
(No judgement on how we wouldn't look like a model after climbing that many stairs!) 

Byron finished in 11 minutes 16 seconds.
Megan finished in 13 minutes 23 seconds.

Dad finished in 14 minutes 44 seconds

Tara finished in 18 minutes 23 seconds

Mom finished in 22 minutes 8 seconds.

Shot from street level of the Republic Plaza!  We just climbed that!!!

It was such a great time, and really wasn't as bad as we all far everyone is game to do it next year, and interest from our friends has picked up too!  Here's to starting a tradition!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Renovation Realities Part 3 - Finishing

We are on week who knows....I have lost count as to what week it is, but what I can tell you is that the bathroom is almost done!  We are in the process of putting on/in the finishing touches.  I will let the pictures and the captions under them explain!

The beautiful bath tub!
Tub working WITH bubbles!  Yea!

Close up of the bath tub faucet

Close up of the faucets on the vanity
Linen closet next to vanity
The vanity

Another shot of the glass for the shower
Glass for the shower

Byron has done an AMAZING job in renovating our bathroom.  This has been such a huge project and he has thought about and executed every detail of this bathroom.  Because of him, our bathroom is almost done and it is phenomenal!  Today we went out scouring the town for accessories for the bathroom - and we were pretty successful, but still have a few things to get.  I am hoping in a week or two we will call this project done (including the last 10% of the project that never gets done!)  I can't wait to share the finished project!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tent Time....

For Christmas the kids got two tents - a princess one from my parents and a tent with a tunnel on it from their aunt and uncle on Byron's side.  There have been many an afternoon where the kids were getting stir crazy and nothing that I would come up with for them to do would entertain them for very long....then I thought of the tents...GENIUS.  We set the tents up in the family room and connect them using the tunnel.  This will provide, no joke, hours of entertainment for them both!  Haylee puts all of her babies in the bigger tent and Carter goes round and round crawling from one tent to the other and back again!

This past weekend was no exception to the kids being stir crazy, so I pulled out the tents and let them at it!  I got some pretty good pictures!

The tents set up
Haylee at the end of the tunnel!

Carter at the end of the tunnel

Haylee had so much baby stuff in the tent with her!