We have only a few hours once we get home from work to play with the kids before the process of bedtime begins. I have come to love bath and bed time with the kids. They are winding down from their day, they are bathed and smelling of baby soap. They are in their pajama's with their hair wet. We go to Haylee's room to read our bedtime story and say our prayers....it is this moment, the moment that Byron and I started three and a half years ago with Haylee that Haylee now teaches to her brother that I love and cherish so much. To see my daughter, who is 3 years old, share with her brother and love on her brother is the most beautiful thing to watch. She cares for him, she talks to him, she makes sure that he is ok and that he can see the pages of the book, "Carter, be careful please with the pages" she says to him.
I want to close my eyes when I am at work dealing with the ugly there and hold onto the moments and memories that only my children could give me....I have so many moments and memories, but the vision of my babies together in Haylee's bed reading books after bath time is the moment that brings me the most joy and peace....
Enjoy a glimpse into the best part of my day....
How sweet!