So, it has been a really long time since I have posted. Life won't slow down, and I cherish my sleep, so the blogs have suffered. Here is a brief glimpse of what our little clan has been up to since my last post (I know, two months ago!)
Haylee started Preschool at the beginning of November. We made sure that we continued to talk to her about what school would be like, that she was going to have fun, and that this is where big sisters go. She needed more interaction that Dot just couldn't give her.
Here is a picture of Haylee on her first day.

The first day was great, she went in, played with all the kids, and left there happy at the end of the day. Day two and everyday there after was a different story. She cried every time we would drop her off. "I don't want to go to school" is what she would cry as I got her dressed. When we asked her why she didn't want to go, she would just say she didn't want to go. This continued, no joke, until the middle of December. I felt so bad for her that she cried and chased me out to the foyer of the school when I dropped her off, and that there was nothing I could do to make it better for her. The lowest point for me came one morning when she refused to talk to me. Byron had to take her to school, and Haylee refused to say even a word to me. I had a good cry that day, and then the next day, I was over it. I told her that I couldn't help make it better unless she told me why she didn't like school (according to the teachers, she would stop crying about 15 minutes after we dropped her off). She finally told me that she didn't like it because her school friends weren't there for her to play with yet, and she wanted them to be there. We have worked through this, and are now happy to be going to school, learning our bible verses, and letters. She enjoys it now. (thankfully!) My little girl is growing up so quickly!