Week 12 - February 4-10, 2013
There wasn't a ton of visual changes at the house this week, perhaps the most shocking thing for B and I was walking up to the house and seeing that almost ALL the windows and doors were installed! We were shocked at the progress for that one day! It was amazing! The siding guys were there as well and had a lot of the north side of the house sided!
It is fantastic to see the windows in, the doors in, and just how much light and air we are going to have in our house! I'm so excited! They also finally put in the stairs to the upstairs! I have been waiting for almost two weeks to have stairs to walk up and down and I love the way that they look! One more step towards the house getting done!
This is the kitchen looking out at the eat in space
Photo on the left is family room. Photo on the right is family room but is a shot of the huge french doors!!
This is looking from eat in space out over the family room to the stairs
My stairs! Yea, I love them!!
Photo on the left is the window in the master bedroom, the photo on the right is the french doors in the master bedroom
We don't have much time to go look at the house in the daylight since we get home later from work and the sun sets so early, so usually B and I head to the house after the kids are in bed. That means that it is pitch black in the house and we look at things by the light of B's I-Phone flashlight. We were out the other night looking around, and were standing in the garage area when we saw a car, without their lights on come flying down the cul-de-sac. Although we haven't lived there, we know our neighbors in that area and their cars already, so we were both taken back by this car coming so fast down the street; until we caught the shape of the car in the neighbor's porch lights. Someone called the cops on us! Once we realized it was the police, we started walking towards our car that was parked in the driveway, and were greeted by not one, not two, but five officers! Must have been a quiet night for them and possible thieves in a construction site sounded like a lot of fun. After clearing us they suggested that we not come to the house at night anymore. We are so happy that our neighbors, all of them that we have met and haven't are looking out for us and our home!